Scales & Ales Podcast

Tulsa Hip-Hop & Oklahoma’s Past, Present, and Future with Spencer Livingston-Gainey

by | Apr 19, 2019 | Music, Scales & Ales Podcast



  1. Spencer – you wrote and released this past week an article “A past preserved: Watch this forgotten Oklahoma documentary” detailing an Oklahoma film called “Oklahoma: A Past Preserved” tell us, how’d you originally find that film and why’d you choose to write about it?
    1. Key quotes from ‘Oklahoma: A Past Preserved’
    2. “The drama of Oklahoma has been performed by a cast of characters marvelous in their diversity. The beauty of our society can be not so much in our similarity but in our differences; one from another.”
    3. “Oklahomans have always been builders. It is one of our finest qualities. But what we have built is more than merely structures upon the Earth. Buildings are simply symbols of something far more powerful. Together, we have built a society.”
    4. “…An epic adventure filled with a remarkable cast of characters performing unforgettable roles. During that drama of more than 30 centuries, the players created new ways of life. Molding old traditions to fit new environments. In their tracks they left artifacts, shelters, buildings, towns and landmarks, which were unique signs of their collective experience. Much of that legacy has survived, forming a kind of bridge between the present and the past. It is a legacy that can teach us much about yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”


Spencer Livingston-Gainey is an entrepreneur, consultant and musician. Founder of Pine Hill Consulting and High Fidelity DJs, Spencer has worked with a diverse array of businesses, tribal governments, municipalities, non-profits, trade associations, artists, foundations, campaigns and diversity-enrichment initiatives. He is a proud citizen of the Cherokee Nation.


Spencer is a life-long Tulsan. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. Before that he graduated from the great Booker T. Washington High School and…this is really important…is an alum of the “Funky D’s” (BTW’s amazing drum corps.)


Spencer also has a number of “side hustles” he is very passionate about. His presence and impact in the local hip-hop scene is something that I think surprises a lot of people.



  1. Tulsa’s local hip-hop scene…for those who don’t know about what’s your “elevator pitch” to educate folks and tell us about your involvement in the deliberate efforts to grow it?
  2. Tell us a little about your DJ career? How did you get started? What are your favorite things to DJ? Etc
  3. How long have you been DJ’ing?
  4. You DJ at the Tulsa Tough and specifically Cry Baby Hill, is this correct?
  5. Explain what that is for anyone listening. I’ve been to Tulsa Tough every year but I have never been to Cry Baby Hill.



  1. What got you into hip hop and rap. I listened to some of you stuff and i
  2. A Rich Beat – Good song. What was going on in your life when you wrote that?
  3. Are you still in the music scene? Are you recording anything or writing anything these days?



  2. Founder and Principal Consultant at Pine Hill Consulting LLC
    1. -Tribal and Government Affairs, Business Development.
    2. -A Native American owned company.
    3. -Certified by the Tribal Employment Rights Office of the Cherokee Nation.
  3. I think there are a lot of people who do not understand what government affairs means, or what TERO is. So when working with any of the tribes what kinds of things are you helping them accomplish?
  4. Now I am not sure what the exact laws are but I am right in stating that it’s called the Cherokee Nation because it technically is its own nation correct? Like somewhat separate form the USA.  
  5. You were a legislative reporter for almost a year and a half. What was that like? Were there any bombshell stories while you were covering the news?
  6. What got you into journalism?



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